The Prosecutor

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Leon Alex (Löwinger Sándor)

The prosecutor

lithograph on yellow background, paper, 34 x 26 cm

Leon Alex was imprisoned in 1942 in a forced labor camp. Two years later, he died in Ukraine. The Jewish artist, originally called Lövinger Sándor, adopted since the interwar period a position opposed to the right-wing political ideology to which he was to fall aa a victim. The artistic training path took him to Paris, where he came into contact with the left-wing avant-garde intellectual environment. Much of his expressionist graphics address social issues, adopting an anti-bourgeois discourse which, in some works, highlights how ordinary people were disadvantaged.

Among the problems of society on which the artist will dwell, a central subject is justice. In the work The Prosecutor, the protagonist is represented as a monstrous aggressive character - a fact illustrated by the distorted face.

The imbalance of power in the court and the inability of ordinary people to defend themselves against the system, which can bring very drastic accusations, are illustrated by the oversizing of the prosecutor.

The composition presents a prosecutor, who normally oversees the fair application of the law and also represents the interests of the state in lawsuits. The work is executed with pronounced expressionist features, emphasizing the feeling that in those times when the artist lived and worked, a prosecutor ensured only certain interests. The prosecutor is stretched to the edges of the composition to gigantic proportions, looming over the people seated before him, commanding the crowd.

Leon Alex (Löwinger Sándor)

The prosecutor

lithograph on yellow background, paper, 34 x 26 cm

signed and dated at the bottom left on the cliché: Leon Alex 935

  • on the back:

    the stamp of the DJC Office, Cluj

  • Condition of the work:


  • Documents:

    Certificate of sale of the Quadro Gallery, the cultural good appearing at no. 1365, dated 09.03.2013 - An expert report prepared by Sebestyén Székely, 27.03.2017

  • Reproduction:

    Borghida István: Leon Alex. Kriterion Könyvkiadó, Bucharest, 1973. Nr. repr. XXI.

Leon Alex (Löwinger Sándor)

Leon Alex (Löwinger Sándor)

1907, Petroșani - 1944, Ostroh, Soviet Union, Ukraine territory today

Born in a working-class family, he tried to make a living not only as an artist but as a working man. This is how he was last seen, as a worker…on the Eastern Front.




lithograph, yellow paper, 33 x 27 cm



pastel, charcoal, red ochre paper, 33.8 x 25.4 cm



lithography on yellow background, paper, 28.5 x 23 cm



Pencil, paper, 26 x 18 cm


Prisoner portraits

oil, cardboard, 61 x 50 cm

Prisoner portraits

The Village

lithograph, paper, 28.5 x 21 cm

The Village

Pastoral scene

oil, cardboard, 69.9 x 49.3 cm

Pastoral scene