Prisoner portraits

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Leon Alex (Löwinger Sándor)

Prisoner portraits

oil, cardboard, 61 x 50 cm

Leon Alex's works are capable of deeply stirring the viewer, as they are painfully honest and excessively powerful. His works reflect the fall and despair of the modern man, they capture the disintegration and distortions of social life.

Faces are usually the first thing we notice in others. Faces tell us more about someone than any other physical feature and have invariably been socially essential to human beings. More often than not, we evaluate each other from first impressions based mostly on facial expressions. So when viewing a prisoner, we go through a full array of impressions and feelings, such as pity, compassion, sadness, frustration, anxiety, anger, worry and despair.

The twisted faces of the prisoners the artist painted relay a dreadful pain, a pessimistic prediction of destiny, and although hurting, the viewer is compelled to stare and to watch on. As Leon, through his precise use of color, reveals how each subject truly feels, that in turn influences how the viewer will feel, while the energy emitted through the prisoners' stares set the mood of the whole scene.

The composition depicts the portraits of two prisoners wearing black and white striped prison uniforms. The uniforms are meant to stigmatize as they make prisoners immediately recognizable as criminals, so the public can easily distinguish them from non-criminals. One can see that these harshly drawn stripes cover a great deal of the composition, they are intended to symbolize prison bars, meaning to enhance the certainty of the prisoner's fate. The distant look in their deep set eyes reveal the terrors they survived and the hopelessness of their destiny. The overall presence of blue brushstrokes are harbinger of darkness, as they express a cold and unsettling feeling of depression and sadness; the yellow hue which transpires from underneath, highlights a premonition of sickness.

Leon Alex (Löwinger Sándor)

Prisoner portraits

oil, cardboard, 61 x 50 cm

signed at the bottom right in black: Leon Alex

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Leon Alex (Löwinger Sándor)

Leon Alex (Löwinger Sándor)

1907, Petroșani - 1944, Ostroh, Soviet Union, Ukraine territory today

Born in a working-class family, he tried to make a living not only as an artist but as a working man. This is how he was last seen, as a worker…on the Eastern Front.




lithograph, yellow paper, 33 x 27 cm



pastel, charcoal, red ochre paper, 33.8 x 25.4 cm



lithography on yellow background, paper, 28.5 x 23 cm



Pencil, paper, 26 x 18 cm


The Prosecutor

lithograph on yellow background, paper, 34 x 26 cm

The Prosecutor

The Village

lithograph, paper, 28.5 x 21 cm

The Village

Pastoral scene

oil, cardboard, 69.9 x 49.3 cm

Pastoral scene