Bird Song

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Cserepes István

Bird song

Oil, cardboard lined with canvas, 39,5 x 35,5 cm

The fresh and translucent appearance of colors are due to the use of white pigment and colors as well as the “sweet” and playful shapes of Cserepes István’s works that reflect the clear influence of his master, Csók István. This manner of painting brings both artists closer to the style of some impressionists like Renoir.

If the faces of master Csók István retain the mark of the Hungarian Secession, in the case of the student who continues his studies in Paris,one can observe a stronger inclination towards the modernist forms. The clear lines of the essentialized face as well as the richly decorated part of the images are similar to those of Matisse, from the same period.

The work "Bird Song" can be viewed from a synesthetic perspective. The sound that is invoked in the title can be correlated with the decorative geometric shapes in the work…

… which seem to transpose the rhythm, fluctuations and musicality of the chirping into a visual language.

The work presents a woman in profile looking at a yellow bird. The subject is rendered in a playful modernist manner, which involves the influences of his master, Csók István, an important personality of Hungarian interwar painting. The background is treated decoratively, a fact enhanced by diversified colors.

Cserepes István

Bird song

Oil, cardboard lined with canvas, 39,5 x 35,5 cm

signed and dated at the bottom left with red: Cserepes / 1933?

  • on the back:

    export label 0321/2017

  • Condition of the work:


Cserepes István

Cserepes István

Budapesta, 1901 - Budapesta, 1944

He lived his life faithful to a creed for which he died.



Buddha statuette on the balcony

Oil, cardboard, 48 x 35 cm

Buddha statuette on the balcony